![에띠컬 뉴트리언트 피쉬오일 170ml [후르츠펀치맛]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/af0739_99a8e9bb7ef54d64840e008ab74f8860~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_600,al_c,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/af0739_99a8e9bb7ef54d64840e008ab74f8860~mv2.jpg)
에띠컬 뉴트리언트 피쉬오일 170ml [후르츠펀치맛]
₩46,000 일반가
심혈관질환 및 두뇌개발, 시력보호에 도움을 줍니다.
1회 5ml 복용시
EPA : 1900mg DHA 927mg
[비교를 위해 / 일반 오메가3 1캡슐 EPA 180mg DHA 120mg]
성분Each 5mL Contains:
- Concentrated Omega-3 triglycerides - fish 4.6gm
- Equiv. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 1.9gm
- Equiv. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 927mg
Shake well before opening. Mix with a small amount of juice, or take with food if preferred.
Take 5 mL daily (by measuring cap) for:
Maintaining Normal Healthy Cholesterol levels
Healthy Cognitive Function
Take 1.25 mL (¼ metric teaspoon) for:
Cardiovascular health
For Healthy Cognitive Function:
2-5 years -Take 1.25 mL (¼ metric teaspoon) daily
6-12 years -Take 2.5 mL (by measuring cap) daily
Suitable for use in pregnancy
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